Privacy Policy

Gardens Inc.  Gardens Construction LLC, and Gardens Realty LLC

This Privacy notice is presented to give you information as to how we collect and gather information about our prospects, vendors, and customers. If you do not agree with these policies, you should not use our services. You can contact for any additional questions or information.

This Privacy Policy for Gardens Inc and it’s affiliated Companies Gardens Realty LLC, and Gardens Construction LLC ( “we”, “us”, or “our” ) describes how and why we might access, collect, store, use, and/or share your personal information when you Visit our websites, engage with us at events including sales, marketing, rallies, or other related ways. Or during personal telephone, text messaging, or email interactions. Or by filling out any forms or answering any questions during on site visits, sales tours, or information exchanged during stays at our facilities. All or the above, and other interactions with us, will herein be described as “interaction with us”.

When you visit, use, or navigate our Services, we may process personal information depending on how you interact with us and the Services we provide, the choices you make, and the products you are contracting for. The gathering of sensitive information such as race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity are a violation of the Real Estate Code of Ethics of which we practice as professionals and do not gather, or store.

The majority of our database is collected by interactions with our website forms and response to our social media ads via filling out a form. The information we ask for, and the records we keep contain only the first and last name of the prospect and an email. About half also include phone numbers. That is the majority of what we collect. Using that information, we will contact you in various ways. We will email you, we will also direct social media such as Facebook and Google Ads. If you have indicated to us you want to reserve space in our campground we will phone you for reservations. We reserve the right to call anyone that has given us their phone numbers until they ask us not to, but it is not part or our usual practices. We occasionally phone with offers to reserve space to visit us. All our communication has the ability to unsubscribe. If you unsubscribe as a prospect, or lead, we delete all your data. If you unsubscribe as a client we discontinue emails.

With the exception of data gathered by analytical analysis of our marketing programs, such as Google, Facebook Analytics, or social marketing reports included in our paid ad programs, we do not gather information from third parties. This information typically includes information such as location of respondents, types of devices being used such as mobile vs desktop, time of day activity, which particular emails were opened or clicked upon, the particular paths, pages visited, or points of exit or entry from or into our websites. We do not distribute this information in any form to outside parties and use it primarily to create better websites by understanding products of interest, or ease of use of the sites. This enables us to offer better services or better design of our websites, our offers, or our promotions.

Should you become a client, by and purchasing an existing or new construction home or lot from us, or hiring us as a Broker to sell or buy a home or lot, we will through those processes, gather additional information about you. If you use a lending entity to consummate these services, we will not collect any financial information from you, trusting the financial institution to obtain whatever information they require. We do not have access to that information. In the event you do not use a financial institution for your purchase, we may ask you for financial information assuring your ability to consummate the contracts. All contact and relationships will correspond to the accepted practices of a Realtor professional.

We will share information between our companies listed herein. Otherwise, we do not share, distribute, or sale any data with third parties. We do not interact or store information from minors.

Third Parties involved with your data. We use the Zoho Product line in our business. This is where we store our customer relationship data, create our email campaigns and research website traffic. It is cloud based and secured by Zoho. If a customer unsubscribes from our mailings that is processed through Zoho. We do not have the ability to reactivate that mailing without authorization to Zoho from that user. Zoho does give us the ability to track responses such as openings or emails, clicks on those emails, and pages visited on the website by that account. We have the ability to remarket those accounts based upon that data. If a customer requests, we delete their account totally and it no longer is in our system.

We have the ability to Push Notification to customers via SMS services. If you wish to opt our you can contact us at and we will flag your file. Should you wish to have your account deleted in its entirety you may also request that as well.

Customer files resulting in transfers of property or the building or homes can not totally be deleted. By law certain information has to be retained. All our transaction files such as building files and real estate listing and sale files are stored in file cabinets in our locked file rooms.

If you have any questions about our policy, you may contact