FMCA Profiles “Two for the Show”
The Family Motor Coach Association’s June 2020 edition of their nationwide publication, Family RVing, profiled our two ‘stars,’ Gardens residents Les and Glen. A big eye-catcher in the four-page article, “Two for the Show,” — at least from our point of view — is a wide-angle lens shot of their gorgeous Prevost, a comfortable-looking living room set-up, and some exercise equipment looking dwarfed by the enormity of their 3,500 sq. foot garage!

Les and Glen’s 3,500-square-foot RV garage in their home at The Gardens RV Village provides ample space for their motorhome, and more.
Les and Glen’s claim-to-fame in the Gardens are their Puli show dogs. Pulis are known for having dreadlocks so thick, one might mistake them for an old-fashioned shag carpet from the ‘60s when they’re reclined.
The article begins by mentioning the Gardens: “What started as a simple wish to buy a dog as a companion resulted in the formation of a passion for showing dogs, thereby leading to extensive RVing, and, eventually to living in a RV community. The two acquired land and built a 3,500-square-foot house with an attached, two-bay 3,500-square-foot RV garage in The Gardens RV Village, in Crossville, Tennessee. (And, yes, the garage is indeed the same size as the house!)”