In local news, the KOA campground in Crossville, Tennessee has been awarded the 2018 KOA President’s Award and KOA Founder’s Award by Kampgrounds of America Inc., the world’s largest system of family-friendly campgrounds. The awards were presented Friday, November 17 at KOA’s annual International Convention in Phoneix, Arizona. The KOA Founder’s and KOA President’s Awards are presented annually to campgrounds that receive the highest scores in customer service from their campers, and also receive top scores in KOA’s annual Quality Review.

“We are so proud to honor these fantastic KOA campground owners and managers,” said KOA President and CEO Pat Hittmeier. “The recipients of these awards do a wonderful job of taking care of our guests, and that’s why we include guest feedback as a major factor when selecting campgrounds for these awards. KOA Founder’s Award and KOA President’s Award recipients are the best of the best in camping.”

When our private campsite, Homeless Hill, fills up we often will send guests to the KOA. It is about a 10-minute drive from The Gardens and is a beautiful campground.